What is Type 2 diabetes?
mellitus (diabetes) is a chronic medical hinder the body's ability to convert
sugar into energy. This causes the accumulation of glucose in the blood,
leading to heart disease, blindness and other serious complications.
Type 2 diabetes occurs for all ages, the initial symptoms are often subtle.
Indeed, one third of patients with diabetes do not know they are infected.
are some alarming symptoms.
Alarm Symptoms: Thirst
One of the first symptoms of diabetes is increased thirst.
Symptoms are often associated with other problems such as dry mouth, increased
appetite, frequent urination-sometimes each hour-and increased or abnormal
weight loss.
Alarm Symptoms: Headache
blood sugar is more unusual, may appear more other symptoms such as headaches,
blurred vision and fatigue.
Alarm Symptoms: Infection
most cases, Type 2 diabetes is often not detected until much influence on health.
warning sign is that persistent infection, such as:
cuts or sores are slow to heal.
yeast infections.
skin, especially in the groin area.
Risk Factors may be controlled
habits and lifestyle can increase risk of Type 2 diabetes includes:
defined by body mass index (BMI = body mass index) over 25.
amount of cholesterol and abnormal blood fats, cholesterol is good (HDL) less
than 35 mg / dL or triglyceride levels above 250 mg / dL.
Risk Factors for Disease Control cannot.
The risk factors cannot control include:
the Hispanic people, blacks, Indians, and Asian origin have a higher risk than
average population.
history of diabetes: Have parents or siblings have diabetes increases risk.
Increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in people over 45 years.
The more risk factors, the ability of Type 2 diabetes is higher.
Type 2 diabetes in Children
Although the elderly are at higher risk, Type 2 diabetes is increasingly
occurring in young people.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one third of American
children born in 2000 will have Type 2 diabetes.
The leading risk factor for overweight children, usually as a result of a diet
is not healthy and less physical activity.
When children are overweight, the risk of Type 2 diabetes will double.
Diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes often does not have much difficulty. Just make a
simple blood test: fasting glucose.
This test measures blood sugar after fasting for at least 8 hours.
The amount of average fasting blood glucose from 70 to 100 mg / dL.
When was the result of two different blood tests at or above 126 mg / dL, is
able to diagnose Type 2 diabetes.
Glucose into Energy Transfer Chemistry
In healthy people, after each meal, food is metabolized into glucose; the blood
is then carried to the cells distributed throughout the body.
Cells use the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas to convert glucose into
Type 2 diabetes occurs when cells in muscle, liver, and fat do not use insulin
absorption from the intestines into the bloodstream, the pancreas produces more
insulin and helps cells use glucose for energy metabolism.
Long-term damage in the arteries.
Over time, Type 2 diabetes is not treated can cause damage to many body
2 / 3 of patients with diabetes die of cardiovascular disease.
Patients with diabetes have more risk of stroke.
Patients with diabetes prone plaque in the arteries, these plaques reduce blood
flow and create an increased risk of thrombosis (blood clots). Thrombosis
increases the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
narrows the blood flow in the arteries increases the risk of thrombosis.
Enduring Damage in the Eye
High blood sugar damages the tiny blood vessels is responsible for bringing
oxygen and nutrients to the retina, a very important part of the eye.
This condition is called retinopathy caused by diabetes, can cause gradual
vision loss and irreversible.
This is the leading cause of blindness causes in age from 20 to 60.
You can observe the location of bleeding in the retina in the picture below.
Enduring Damage in the Foot
Patients with diabetes often have nerve damage causing sensory disturbances in
the lower limbs.
The hardening of the arteries also results in anemia raising two legs. This
leads to ulcers and gangrene in the leg. May have to foot amputation or both
legs in severe cases.
It is fortunate that Type 2 diabetes patients can significantly reduce the risk
of injury to the heart, kidneys, eyes, and two legs.
The key is to control blood sugar by diet change.
Patients with Type 2 diabetes need to strictly control the amount of
carbohydrate, and fat and protein with a total daily consumption, reduce the
number of calories in the diet.
Treatment: exercise
Physical Exercise moderately, as the strength exercises or walking, improving
the body's use of insulin and reduce blood glucose in patients with diabetes.
Positive exercise helps reduce body fat, reduce blood pressure and protect
against heart disease.
Patients with Type 2 diabetes should spend 30 minutes a day to exercise with
moderate intensity
Treatment: Medication
Need to use drugs when they cannot effectively control blood sugar in patients
with Type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise.
There are many types of oral diabetes treatment. They are often used in
combination. Some drugs work by stimulating the pancreas to produce more
insulin, others have some work to improve the effectiveness of insulin or
prevent the digestion of starches.
Treatment: Insulin
Many patients with Type 2 diabetes later on will be "beta cell
failure." This means that the cells of the pancreas no longer produce
enough insulin in response to increased blood sugar after eating. In this case,
treatment with intravenous insulin-or insulin-pump should be taken daily.
One of the most surprising things in Type 2 diabetes is a condition causing too
much damage to life so often can be prevented.
To reduce risk, please observe the following recommendations:
a diet balanced and healthy
30 minutes a day and at least 5 days per week
maintain body weight balance
your doctor screen for diabetes status for your money
For patients with prediabetes, lifestyle changes and medications can help
prevent progression to diabetes Type 2 actually.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6598673
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